Nail fungus (Onychomycosis) is an unpleasant disease that develops for several months and even years, it can lead for losing of the nail plate and infection of the skin around.
Fungus affects on:
How to get infected?
Infect the nail fungus can:
The home method of determining the nail fungus: Tap on the nail of hydrogen peroxide, if you see a reaction in the form of bubbles, then it will be better for you to check the skin or fingernail from the doctor.
How does the fungus manifest?
At the first stage of infection, the fungus of the nails and skin is manifested:
Types of fungus
Yeast fungus- is due to the causative agent Candida.
At the first stage on the nail plate appear:
Dermatophyte- fungus, provoked by pathogens: Trichophyton spp., Microsporum spp. and Epidermophyton spp. It accumulates under the nails and provokes yellowing and flaking of the plate. If the fungus is not treated, surgery may be required.
Moldy fungus - infecting with this kind of fungus, the affected nail plate becomes brown, and the infection can be local, and not spread to the entire nail. The nail plate is covered with bumps and spots.
Depending on the type of fungus the doctor prescribes treatment:
At the first stage, the doctor will prescribe an antimicrobial agent. If the fungus in the initial stage - externally, and if the treatment is very neglected - inside. The minus of such treatment is the high toxicity of the drugs. Some of them settle in the liver and are not taken out immediately.
In the treatment of antimicrobial agents, treatment should not be discontinued as soon as an improvement occurs. External funds continue to be used until the doctor allows you to stop treatment. As higher the dryness of the skin (affected areas), as fatter the preparation should be.
In time of treating fungus, doctors recommend not to use them simultaneously with antibiotics, which provoke fungal growth and weakening of immunity.
Before applying an ointment or cream, it is necessary to treat the foot with an antibacterial standard.
Preparations of external application
Azols - this group of drugs effectively fights against the fungus on the legs (the drug is applied to the affected area).
Azoles include preparations with active substances:
Alylamines- drugs on the basis of this group are treated:
Antifungal varnishes for nails
In the early stages, the fungus can be treated locally with the help of special lacquers, which are soldin pharmacies"Ruble Boom" and
The principle of the nail polish:
There are many types of antifungal varnish.
Active substances in their composition:
Contraindications to the use of lacquer:
Antifungal antibiotics
Antifungal antibiotics are used in extreme cases, if local treatment is not effective.
The doctor can prescribe drugs with active substances:
To protect against onychomycosis it is necessary: